What makes a great strata manager?

What makes a great strata manager?

  • Professional, make sense advice and advocacy
  • Timely return of calls and emails
  • Action items completed
  • Financial acumen and proactive management of funds
  • Willingness to coach and share information
  • Advocacy skills and commitment to positive outcome
  • Empathetic response and understanding

It’s a strange service, strata management. Many people don’t really know what it is. Others just associate it with that dreaded quarterly bill, which pays for what exactly? Or the by-law breach letter about noise or illegal parking.

But the reality is, a strata management firm that really looks after you could be the difference between stress-free strata ownership and an experience that leaves you strata stressed. 

We’ve asked around, because we wanted to know as well. What makes a great strata manager?


It seems simple enough, however, as the often bearer of bad news, strata managers can be hesitant to be honest, fearing misplaced blame and the loss of a contract.

In other cases, the manager has in fact made a mistake and fails to own up.

In either situation, owners seem to believe that honesty is the best policy. As one of our company values, we’re here for that too.


Timely, professional and easy to understand information. Timely being key to this element of what makes a great strata manager. Waiting days or even weeks for a return call or email is beyond frustrating. We get it. So we get back to you.

A team of people who know their stuff.

It takes a village to manage, well, a village. A single person doing everything well is impossible. A team of people who specialise in doing their thing great is going to have better results for owners.

A friend in strata

A strata manager who works with you, rather than being combative. No, you’re not asking for too much. Strata and Community living can be complicated, and there is a lot of legal obligations to be met. This means sometimes compromise is needed. A good manager will help you find that compromise and feel good about it.

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