What is the Annual Fire Safety Statement?

What is the Annual Fire Safety Statement?

In New South Wales (NSW), an Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS) is a document that verifies that the fire safety measures within a building or premises have been assessed, tested, and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

The AFSS is a legal requirement for certain buildings and premises, and it must be issued and displayed prominently within the building or premises. The document provides evidence that the fire safety measures are in place and are being properly maintained to ensure the safety of occupants and compliance with fire safety standards.

What is the Annual Fire Safety Statement?

Here are key points related to the Annual Fire Safety Statement in NSW:

  1. Obligation to provide an AFSS: The owner of certain types of buildings or premises is required to provide an AFSS each year. This typically includes buildings such as residential flat buildings, commercial buildings, shopping centers, hotels, and other high-rise buildings. In the context of a strata scheme, the owners corporation are the owner of the building and must provide the certificate.
  2. Certification by a competent fire safety practitioner: The AFSS must be prepared and certified by a competent fire safety practitioner (CFSP) who has the necessary qualifications and expertise in fire safety. The CFSP is responsible for assessing and inspecting the fire safety measures within the building or premises.
  3. Fire safety measures covered: The AFSS covers various fire safety measures installed in the building, including fire detection systems, emergency lighting, fire extinguishers, hydrants, sprinkler systems, smoke alarms, exit signs, and other essential fire safety equipment. The AFSS confirms that these measures have been inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards.
  4. Annual assessment and inspection: The CFSP must conduct regular assessments and inspection of the fire safety measures within the building or premises, with different measures requiring different intervals of inspection. This involves testing and verifying the functionality of the equipment, assessing any deficiencies, and ensuring compliance with the applicable fire safety standards. Within a residential building, annual inspections of fire/smoke detectors and fire doors are required within apartments.
  5. Submission and display: The AFSS must be submitted to the local council or fire authorities, such as Fire and Rescue NSW. Additionally, a copy of the AFSS must be prominently displayed within the building or premises in a location accessible to the public.
  6. Penalties for non-compliance: Failure to provide an AFSS or to maintain the required fire safety measures can result in penalties and fines.

The requirement to submit an Annual Fire Safety Statement exists to protect the life and safety of residents in the event of fire. The risk to life is greater in apartment buildings, and for this reason, fire safety measures are essential.

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