NSW Strata Hub

What is Strata Hub? An initiative of the NSW Government and aims to provide essential information to owners and potential purchasers in one central location. The data base is administered by the NSW Government and its focus is transparency. It falls under the Department of Customer Service. What information will be stored and viewable? There are different levels of viewability, however all this information is reportable.  Publicly available information

    1. Strata Plan number
    2. Number of lots in the scheme
    3. Local government area
    4. Number of stories above ground
    5. Type of building (residential, commercial, retirement village etc)
    6. Last AGM date
    7. Geospatial map showing where the scheme is located

The Secretary and Chairperson are not required to provide a phone number and are permitted to provide a role based contact email, for example,

**These details are provided to emergency service departments only and will used when access to the building is required by these services. Is there a cost? Yes There is a fee payable of $3 per lot, per year, payable to the Government. Your strata manager will include this cost in your next budget.


What do the committee need to do? Your strata manager will include motions on your next committee meeting agenda to confirm: Who will be the emergency contact What details will be provided for the Chairperson/Secretary  What will Genesis do for us to ensure we are compliant? The Strata Hub is being rolled out in stages, with strata agencies able to bulk upload and pay the fee in December 2022. Genesis will do the following:

  1. Arrange a meeting with your strata committee to make decisions about contact details
  2. Collate all the required information
  3. Upload the information to the Strata Hub (once bulk uploading is available)
  4. Update your budgets to include the fees

Need more information? Use this link to access the Government website or Contact Us

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