How to change strata managers

How to change strata managers?

  • Check your current contract
  • Work out what services you need and what extras you would like.
  • Run a tender
  • Hold a meeting and appoint your new manager

It can feel overwhelming to change strata managers. But the process can be easy, and we’ve created this guide to help you make it easy.


Below we refer to ‘you’ which applies equally to an individual owner and the strata/community committee. While it is easier for a committee to activate change, the below advice applies to individual owners too.

  1. Check your current contract

The first thing you need to do is check your current agency agreement to know when the contract ends. If you don’t have a copy, your agent must provide it on request, so just ask.


  1. Work out what services you want and need

Not all strata management services are created equal, work out what is important you, considering things like:

  • Inclusive fee
  • Online and no fee access to financials and important documents
  • When and where meetings are held
  • Experience of individual strata manager appointed to your scheme
  • Customer service charters
  • Support services like educational documents and seminars
  1. Go to tender

Prepare a tender document. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated, but doing this will assist you in comparing quotes you get. Include the following information:

  • Location of your community
  • Number of lots
  • Status of any important matters like fire orders, cladding, insurance etc
  • A summary of what services you need and want, including how many meetings a year you want included in your fee

Pro Tip: When reviewing the tender, you want to look into the details of the agency agreement and not just at the shiny proposal document. Things to look out for:

  • Included and excluded services
  • Automatic monthly additions, things like phone, storage, computer fee etc
  • Consequences for not paying an insurance commission
  • Termination requirements


  1. Hold a meeting

Once you have a preferred agency chosen, a general meeting of all owners needs to be called to terminate the current agent and appoint the new. But don’t worry about the technicality. Your new strata manager will help you with that part.

For more information and assistance, please feel free to contact us today!

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